I've been waiting for this for a long time, and now the Azure Communication Services preview is available!
It's an Azure service for adding video, voice, chat and text messaging capabilities to your app.
If you used to do things like putting a WebRTC server in AppService or VM, you can leave it to Azure.
The good thing about this is that Azure takes care of security and everything else, so you don't have to worry about server operations and security audits on the app development side.
This seems to be the same grade of service that is used behind Microsoft Teams.
It's one of the big new features in Azure in conjunction with Ignite, and we'll be covering it here on the blog as we go through the material.
ビデオ、音声、チャット、テキスト メッセージングの機能をアプリに追加するためのAzureのサービスです。
これ、Microsoft Teamsの裏側で使われているのと同じグレードのサービスといえるようです。