Windows Phone 7.8
Windows Phone 7.5に対してWindows Phone 7.8へのアップデート発表がありました。
これはWindows Phone 8の新機能の一部と7.5へ提供するアップデートでどうやらWindows Phone 8提供開始前に提供されるようです。
詳細は不明ですがトップ画面のライブタイルの大きさが3種類になって自分で大きさを選べるWindows Phone 8の機能は提供されるようです。
- Windows Phone 7.xからWindows Phone 8へのアップデートは行えない事が判明
- Windows Phone 8アプリはWindows Phone 7.8では動作しない(逆はOK)
Windows Phone 7.5端末の買い控えに拍車がかかるような内容となってしまいましたね。
Windows Phone 8
Windows Phone 8では既存Windows Phone 7アプリが動作します。よっていまmarketplaceに登録しているWindows Phone 7アプリが使えなくなる事はありません。Windows Phone 8が登場と同時に使用できるアプリ数がかなりの数になっている理由がここにあります。
- Multi-core processor support: As reviewers have noted, Windows Phone runs buttery smooth on phones with a single processor. But piggybacking on the Windows core provides support for multiple cores?so we’re ready for whatever hardware makers dream up.
- Bigger, sharper screens: Windows Phone 8 supports two new screen resolutions?1280x768 and 1280x720, opening the door to amazing new handsets with high-definition 720p displays.
- More flexible storage: Windows Phone 8 supports removable MicroSD cards, so you can stuff your phone with extra photos, music, and whatever else is important to you, and then easily move it all onto your PC.
- NFC wireless sharing: If you haven’t heard the term “NFC” yet, I’m betting you soon will. This emerging wireless technology lets phones share things over short distances. In Windows Phone 8, it helps make sharing photos, Office docs, and contact info easier?just tap your phone another NFC-equipped device. How cool is that?
- Internet Explorer 10: The next version of Windows Phone comes with the same web browsing engine that’s headed for Window 8 PCs and tablets. IE10 is faster and more secure, with advanced anti-phishing features like SmartScreen Filter to block dangerous websites and malware.
- Wallet: Windows Phone 8’s new digital Wallet feature does two great things. It can keep debit and credit cards, coupons, boarding passes, and other important info right at your fingertips. And when paired with a secure SIM from your carrier, you can also pay for things with a tap of your phone at compatible checkout counters.
- Better maps and directions: Windows Phone 8 builds in Nokia mapping as part of the platform. Our partnership will provide more detailed maps and turn-by-turn directions in many countries, plus the ability to store maps offline on your phone so you can work with maps without a data connection.
- Cooler apps and games: Basing Windows Phone 8 on the Windows core will unleash a new wave of amazing apps and especially games, for reasons I’ll touch on in a moment.
既存の800x480(15:9)の解像度に加えて 1280x768(15:9) と 1280x720(16:9) が追加されていますね。
縦横比が既存Windows Phone 7シリーズと同じであるならば高解像度化されても表示する画像のピクセル数に注意すれば、いわゆる「新iPad」の綺麗さを享受できますが縦横比が違うのはさてどうしましょう。